ACU Baseball player, played baseball for 13 years
Social Networks
How can I help?
- Recommend workouts and exercises
- Recommend plan of action for physical goals
- Mental health
- Confidence
The Smeeple Summary
David Jeon is a health & wellness expert. You can consult with David for baseball, lifts, workouts, and recovering, for as little as $15.00 for 15 minutes. Learn recommend workouts and exercises , recommend plan of action for physical goals , mental health, and confidence, plus much more when you consult with this amazing health & wellness expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.
The Smeeple Summary
David Jeon is a health & wellness expert. You can consult with David for baseball, lifts, workouts, and recovering, for as little as $15.00 for 15 minutes. Learn recommend workouts and exercises , recommend plan of action for physical goals , mental health, and confidence, plus much more when you consult with this amazing health & wellness expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.
How can I help?
- Recommend workouts and exercises
- Recommend plan of action for physical goals
- Mental health
- Confidence
ACU Baseball player, played baseball for 13 years
Social Networks