Elizabeth White

Track & Field

Starts at 




 -  $150.00


I want your dreams to come true too. This life can be a bit crazy sometimes or even all the time. Whether you're on the track, field, or in the middle of your day, my ambition is set in helping you be the best you in what you WANT to be doing. If that is not something you are certain about, I am also here to guide in the discovery of your dreams. Meet me with and we can get you where you want to go- or at least on a path!



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Albuquerque, NM

How can I help?

  • Advice for teammate and coach interactions
  • Advice for choosing focus event
  • Support in finding best version of self

The Smeeple Summary

Elizabeth White is an athletics expert. You can consult with Elizabeth for long jump, championship mentality, recruiting , lifting , and mentorship, for as little as $30.00 for 15 minutes. Learn advice for teammate and coach interactions, advice for choosing focus event , and support in finding best version of self, plus much more when you consult with this amazing athletics expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.

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