Became all state my senior year of HS. won honorable mention. I received 25+ offers coming out of my junior year. now im committed to Michigan State University. I run a skills camp in June that strives to help teens focus on their mechanics, and speed.
Social Networks
Muskegon, MI
How can I help?
- Finding your potential
- Build your speed
- Talking you through the recruiting process
- teach mechanics
The Smeeple Summary
Abbie Wiegers is an athletics expert. You can consult with Abbie for mid distance (400,800,1500,5k), mechanics (form), diet , and nil (building your brand), for as little as $10.00 for 15 minutes. Learn finding your potential , build your speed , talking you through the recruiting process, and teach mechanics , plus much more when you consult with this amazing athletics expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.
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