Kristina Greenwood

Language Arts

Starts at 




 -  $100.00


I have been a teacher in the state of Florida for 26 years. My experiences include: classroom teacher, reading coach, new teacher mentor, college professor, and k-12 teacher professional development.





How can I help?

  • Mentors new teachers through first years
  • Assist in passing teacher certification exams
  • Provide professional learning in topics such as reading instruction, engagement, classroom management, etc.
  • Can assist with planning classroom instruction, using data to drive instruction, and analyzing data.
  • Provide teachers with guidance on life-work balance.

The Smeeple Summary

Kristina Greenwood is an education expert. You can consult with Kristina for new teacher mentor, lesson planning, driving instruction from data, test prep for teacher certification exams, and teacher professional learning, for as little as $15.00 for 15 minutes. Learn mentors new teachers through first years, assist in passing teacher certification exams, provide professional learning in topics such as reading instruction, engagement, classroom management, etc., can assist with planning classroom instruction, using data to drive instruction, and analyzing data., and provide teachers with guidance on life-work balance., plus much more when you consult with this amazing education expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.

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