Ana Raquel T.

Homeschool Prep
Language Arts

Starts at 




 -  $488.00


Education and being able to share ideas at the dinner table were priorities at my house. In college, I penned a specialized degree combining sociology, ethnic studies, and feminist theory. Teaching turned out to be a journey where, at times, I would actually be more of a "witness" to oppression than I originally intended. Working with a wide range of students from all sorts or backgrounds and cultures led to cultivating truly multicultural, student centered lessons that shaped me as an educator.




California/Belize, CA

How can I help?

  • Do you want to dive deeper into student centered learning? I can help you think through your classroom dynamics, lessons, or long term projects.
  • Do you struggle with covering so many topics as a homeschool family or public school teacher?
  • Setting up a discipline system is hard. Let's put our heads together to find strategies that fit your style and approach.
  • I can help new teachers, parents, caregivers, or anyone interested make learning more student centered, art integrated, inspiring, and fun.
  • Customize learning experiences; instill lifelong reading habits, work on local environmental justice, and cultivate diverse resources.

The Smeeple Summary

Ana Raquel T. is an education expert. You can consult with Ana Raquel for homeschooling support and survival, student centered learning, new teacher support, and art integration into all subjects, for as little as $56.00 for 15 minutes. Learn do you want to dive deeper into student centered learning? i can help you think through your classroom dynamics, lessons, or long term projects., do you struggle with covering so many topics as a homeschool family or public school teacher? , setting up a discipline system is hard. let's put our heads together to find strategies that fit your style and approach., i can help new teachers, parents, caregivers, or anyone interested make learning more student centered, art integrated, inspiring, and fun., and customize learning experiences; instill lifelong reading habits, work on local environmental justice, and cultivate diverse resources., plus much more when you consult with this amazing education expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.


The Smeeple Summary

Ana Raquel T. is an education expert. You can consult with Ana Raquel for homeschooling support and survival, student centered learning, new teacher support, and art integration into all subjects, for as little as $56.00 for 15 minutes. Learn do you want to dive deeper into student centered learning? i can help you think through your classroom dynamics, lessons, or long term projects., do you struggle with covering so many topics as a homeschool family or public school teacher? , setting up a discipline system is hard. let's put our heads together to find strategies that fit your style and approach., i can help new teachers, parents, caregivers, or anyone interested make learning more student centered, art integrated, inspiring, and fun., and customize learning experiences; instill lifelong reading habits, work on local environmental justice, and cultivate diverse resources., plus much more when you consult with this amazing education expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.

How can I help?

  • Do you want to dive deeper into student centered learning? I can help you think through your classroom dynamics, lessons, or long term projects.
  • Do you struggle with covering so many topics as a homeschool family or public school teacher?
  • Setting up a discipline system is hard. Let's put our heads together to find strategies that fit your style and approach.
  • I can help new teachers, parents, caregivers, or anyone interested make learning more student centered, art integrated, inspiring, and fun.
  • Customize learning experiences; instill lifelong reading habits, work on local environmental justice, and cultivate diverse resources.


Education and being able to share ideas at the dinner table were priorities at my house. In college, I penned a specialized degree combining sociology, ethnic studies, and feminist theory. Teaching turned out to be a journey where, at times, I would actually be more of a "witness" to oppression than I originally intended. Working with a wide range of students from all sorts or backgrounds and cultures led to cultivating truly multicultural, student centered lessons that shaped me as an educator.




California/Belize, CA


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