Tammy Lowe


Starts at 




 -  $250.00


I'm an empty nester who has created certified monarch waystations, wildlife habitats, annual and perennial pollinator, fruit and vegetable gardens and orchards. Currently I live on a small homestead and have chickens that help with the yard work. Master Gardener through MSU Extension in 2017. International Master Gardener’s Conference in 2019, Homesteaders of America Conference in 2020 and 2023. Completed Gardenary’s Certified Garden Consultant course in 2021 and started my gardening business!



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Macomb Township, MI

How can I help?

  • Makes gardening easier and more fun for young and old.
  • Provides personalized coaching through the growing season.
  • Creates custom planting and/or building plans for your space.
  • Creates educational and ordered plans for enriching your yard's health and increasing value.
  • Puts energy toward problem solving for your specific environment.

The Smeeple Summary

Tammy Lowe is a homesteading & gardening expert. You can consult with Tammy for lazy gardening, garden consulting and coaching , diy designs, building and planting plans, garden installations and protections, and edible landscapes, for as little as $100.00 for 30 minutes. Learn makes gardening easier and more fun for young and old., provides personalized coaching through the growing season., creates custom planting and/or building plans for your space. , creates educational and ordered plans for enriching your yard's health and increasing value. , and puts energy toward problem solving for your specific environment., plus much more when you consult with this amazing homesteading & gardening expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.

Tips from Tammy before your Smeeple consultation:

  • Write down questions you have for me so you don’t forget any. You can email them to me ahead of time if you’d like. Sending your address helps.
  • Be ready to share any experience gardening. Know what's worked and not worked for you.
  • Know your budget for plants and materials.
  • Consider WHO the garden is "for", WHO will be caring for it and HOW MUCH TIME you or the other person has to spend on maintenance.
  • Determine if your watering source is close and how often you will be passing by/visiting or looking at the garden.

The Smeeple Summary

Tammy Lowe is a homesteading & gardening expert. You can consult with Tammy for lazy gardening, garden consulting and coaching , diy designs, building and planting plans, garden installations and protections, and edible landscapes, for as little as $100.00 for 30 minutes. Learn makes gardening easier and more fun for young and old., provides personalized coaching through the growing season., creates custom planting and/or building plans for your space. , creates educational and ordered plans for enriching your yard's health and increasing value. , and puts energy toward problem solving for your specific environment., plus much more when you consult with this amazing homesteading & gardening expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.

Tips from Tammy before your Smeeple consultation:

  • Write down questions you have for me so you don’t forget any. You can email them to me ahead of time if you’d like. Sending your address helps.
  • Be ready to share any experience gardening. Know what's worked and not worked for you.
  • Know your budget for plants and materials.
  • Consider WHO the garden is "for", WHO will be caring for it and HOW MUCH TIME you or the other person has to spend on maintenance.
  • Determine if your watering source is close and how often you will be passing by/visiting or looking at the garden.

How can I help?

  • Makes gardening easier and more fun for young and old.
  • Provides personalized coaching through the growing season.
  • Creates custom planting and/or building plans for your space.
  • Creates educational and ordered plans for enriching your yard's health and increasing value.
  • Puts energy toward problem solving for your specific environment.


I'm an empty nester who has created certified monarch waystations, wildlife habitats, annual and perennial pollinator, fruit and vegetable gardens and orchards. Currently I live on a small homestead and have chickens that help with the yard work. Master Gardener through MSU Extension in 2017. International Master Gardener’s Conference in 2019, Homesteaders of America Conference in 2020 and 2023. Completed Gardenary’s Certified Garden Consultant course in 2021 and started my gardening business!



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Macomb Township, MI

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