Hello I’m Jakai Coker . I’m a senior student athlete at Northwestern Oklahoma State I play football and run track there . My birthday is December 31 ,and I’m
6feet 2 inches tall
Social Networks
How can I help?
- I’ve been playing sports since 8 years old so I know athletic is not just about how talented you are.
The Smeeple Summary
Jakai Coker is an athletics expert. You can consult with Jakai for math , video games, time management , and cooking , for as little as $25.00 for 15 minutes. Learn i’ve been playing sports since 8 years old so i know athletic is not just about how talented you are., plus much more when you consult with this amazing athletics expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.
The Smeeple Summary
Jakai Coker is an athletics expert. You can consult with Jakai for math , video games, time management , and cooking , for as little as $25.00 for 15 minutes. Learn i’ve been playing sports since 8 years old so i know athletic is not just about how talented you are., plus much more when you consult with this amazing athletics expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.
How can I help?
- I’ve been playing sports since 8 years old so I know athletic is not just about how talented you are.
Hello I’m Jakai Coker . I’m a senior student athlete at Northwestern Oklahoma State I play football and run track there . My birthday is December 31 ,and I’m
6feet 2 inches tall
Social Networks