Klint Macro is an educator and motivator of his fellow citizens, encouraging all Americans to exercise their individual rights and liberties through education and empowerment. He founded the Trigger Pressers Union ( in 2013 and today he trains instructors and citizens alike on a daily basis by teaching them safe, ethical, and contextually appropriate curriculum that helps them to safely protect themselves and those that they love.
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Pittsburgh, PA
How can I help?
- Private Defensive Coaching
- Firearms Business Consulting
- Consultant for Attorneys
- Expert Witness
- Basic First Aid Training
The Smeeple Summary
Klint Macro is an outdoors expert. You can consult with Klint for personal defense, firearms and muzzleloaders, pepper spray, instructor devlopment, and 2a issues and advocacy, for as little as $150.00 for 120 minutes. Learn private defensive coaching, firearms business consulting, consultant for attorneys, expert witness, and basic first aid training, plus much more when you consult with this amazing outdoors expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.
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