Bobby Darnell

Business Coaching
Sales/Business Dev.

Starts at 




 -  $250.00

  5 (1)


I have been in the AEC (Architectural, Engineering and Construction) industry my entire career from a Marketing, Sales, Business Development and CRM perspective. I love working with companies to help them Build New Business.



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Atlanta, GA

How can I help?

  • I implement effective Business Development & Marketing processes for entities in the AEC (Architectural, Engineering and Construction Industry)
  • If it's missing...we add it
  • If it's there, but not needed...we get rid of it
  • If it's there, but not working, we correct it

The Smeeple Summary

Bobby Darnell is a business & tech expert. You can consult with Bobby for business development, marketing, crm, lead generation, and prospecting, for as little as $50.00 for 15 minutes. Learn i implement effective business development & marketing processes for entities in the aec (architectural, engineering and construction industry), if it's missing...we add it, if it's there, but not needed...we get rid of it, and if it's there, but not working, we correct it, plus much more when you consult with this amazing business & tech expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.

Tips from Bobby before your Smeeple consultation:

  • I have no problem if you want to record our session


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Years of experience

Bobby appeared on the Smeeple podcast to share his extensive expertise. With years of experience, he provides invaluable advice!

Smeeple ✔️

The Smeeple Summary

Bobby Darnell is a business & tech expert. You can consult with Bobby for business development, marketing, crm, lead generation, and prospecting, for as little as $50.00 for 15 minutes. Learn i implement effective business development & marketing processes for entities in the aec (architectural, engineering and construction industry), if it's missing...we add it, if it's there, but not needed...we get rid of it, and if it's there, but not working, we correct it, plus much more when you consult with this amazing business & tech expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.

Tips from Bobby before your Smeeple consultation:

  • I have no problem if you want to record our session

How can I help?

  • I implement effective Business Development & Marketing processes for entities in the AEC (Architectural, Engineering and Construction Industry)
  • If it's missing...we add it
  • If it's there, but not needed...we get rid of it
  • If it's there, but not working, we correct it


I have been in the AEC (Architectural, Engineering and Construction) industry my entire career from a Marketing, Sales, Business Development and CRM perspective. I love working with companies to help them Build New Business.



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Atlanta, GA


All Reviews

Years of experience

Bobby appeared on the Smeeple podcast to share his extensive expertise. With years of experience, he provides invaluable advice!

Smeeple ✔️

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