Frank Craska


Starts at 




 -  $120.00


Frank Craska is entering his first year as Pitching Coach at Caltech (D3) in Pasadena, CA. Craska is a veteran of college baseball playing his past six seasons at Lafayette College (D1) and Quinnipiac University (D1). In addition, Craska competed in the highly competitive Nortwoods League for 3 summers and pitched against some of the top ranked prospects in the country including Charlie Condon (Rockies), Charles McAdoo (Pirates), and Brice Matthews (Astros).



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Gibsonia, PA

How can I help?

  • College Recruiting
  • Coaching Philosophies
  • Baseball Strategy

The Smeeple Summary

Frank Craska is an athletics expert. You can consult with Frank for athletic traning, pitching, time management, leadership, and accountability , for as little as $15.00 for 15 minutes. Learn college recruiting, coaching philosophies, and baseball strategy, plus much more when you consult with this amazing athletics expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.

The Smeeple Summary

Frank Craska is an athletics expert. You can consult with Frank for athletic traning, pitching, time management, leadership, and accountability , for as little as $15.00 for 15 minutes. Learn college recruiting, coaching philosophies, and baseball strategy, plus much more when you consult with this amazing athletics expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.

How can I help?

  • College Recruiting
  • Coaching Philosophies
  • Baseball Strategy


Frank Craska is entering his first year as Pitching Coach at Caltech (D3) in Pasadena, CA. Craska is a veteran of college baseball playing his past six seasons at Lafayette College (D1) and Quinnipiac University (D1). In addition, Craska competed in the highly competitive Nortwoods League for 3 summers and pitched against some of the top ranked prospects in the country including Charlie Condon (Rockies), Charles McAdoo (Pirates), and Brice Matthews (Astros).



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Gibsonia, PA

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