Estevan Moreno


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I am a baseball player for the University of Notre Dame #3. I am a middle Infielder and currently a Junior. Major in Sociology and a minor in digital marketing



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South Bend , IN

How can I help?

  • I have been a 2 year starter going into my Junior year
  • I have developed over time a very smooth swing that has helped me in my career.
  • I have been lifting since I was about 14 years old.
  • Mobility is a big thing with baseball and is very helpful for lots of baseball players
  • Having speed and the footwork allows you to have good feet work on the field.

The Smeeple Summary

Estevan Moreno is an athletics expert. You can consult with Estevan for fielding, hitting, lifting , mobility , and agility , for as little as $30.00 for 15 minutes. Learn i have been a 2 year starter going into my junior year , i have developed over time a very smooth swing that has helped me in my career., i have been lifting since i was about 14 years old. , mobility is a big thing with baseball and is very helpful for lots of baseball players , and having speed and the footwork allows you to have good feet work on the field. , plus much more when you consult with this amazing athletics expert! Click the "Book Now" button above to see availability.

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